
All about Spousal Support:
A master class with Rollie Thompson
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Join us for a master class in spousal support with Professor Rollie Thompson. From the basics of entitlement and the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines, to the more challenging issues that arise in spousal support cases, including retroactive spousal support claims, learn effective and practical tips to successfully litigate your spousal support claims. This program is not to be missed for family law practitioners!
Chair: The Honourable Justice Danielle Szandtner, Ontario Court of Justice, Toronto

Speakers: Professor Rollie Thompson, KC, Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University, and
Counsel, Epstein Cole LLP.

Project Managers: Lauren Calderwood, Karen Ksienski and Arthika Srivarapathy


Click here to register now via Eventbrite at no cost. Materials included. On the day of the program, the Zoom session will open in advance at 4:00 p.m. Once admitted, you are free to attend to other tasks until the 4:30 pm start time. If you attempt to join at or after 4:30pm, there may be a delay in admitting you.

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