  • 04

    Effective Advocacy: FRO and Interjurisdictional Support Enforcement

    4:45 PM-6:30 PM

    Effective Advocacy: 

    FRO and Interjurisdictional Support Enforcement

    Chair:               Justice Carolyn Jones, Ontario Court of Justice

    Speakers:       Diane Gillies, Counsel, FRO

                               Heather Puchala, Counsel, FRO

                               Michelle Douglas-Cummings, Counsel, FRO

    Where:              Online through ZOOM

    When:         Monday, March 4, 2024

    From:          4:45 p.m. to 6:30 p.m

    The non-payment of support presents challenges for both Payors and Recipients. Recipient’s counsel must ensure a support order is enforceable and avoid drafting errors that may impact enforcement. Payor’s counsel must have knowledge and expertise in FRO enforcement proceedings to provide advice on how to respond in these cases. Enforcement becomes more complex, when a payor or recipient resides in a different jurisdiction.

    Join our expert panel who will:

    • provide an overview of FRO support enforcement proceedings, Notice of Default Hearings, Motions for Committal and Refraining Motions, and how to respond to these proceedings;
    • discuss pointers and pitfalls in the drafting of support provisions;
    • examine the enforcement of support across jurisdictions; and
    • review what you need to know about the relevant legislation, including the Family Responsibility and Support Arrears Enforcement Act, 1996 the Interjurisdictional Support Orders Act, 2002, and the newly implemented 2007 Hague Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance (in effect as of February 1, 2024)

    Register here: